What is a Good Candidate Experience?
How many interviews have you done and haven’t received feedback from the interviewers? I bet you’ve been ghosted a few times, robbing you of a good candidate experience.
Have you come across unclear or long job application instructions on the web and decided that wasn’t the job for you? First impressions matter, and clearly, companies with such job application requirements leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Even worse, were you unable to apply for jobs on your smartphone? Your generation is tech-savvy, and the failure of food and beverage manufacturing recruiters to make job applications mobile-friendly dissuades you from filling out the application altogether.
This is what comprises a bad candidate experience. It’s easily undetectable if you’ve had one, especially if it’s something you often encounter in your job hunting.
A bad candidate experience is a harbinger of a bad employee experience – a heavy workload, workplace conflict, and a lack of supervisor support, among others.
While you may forget what the recruiter says and does, you will never forget how they make you feel. That’s why a good candidate experience is the meat and potatoes of a successful recruitment process.
So, what does a good candidate experience look like?
Concise Job Descriptions
Clear job descriptions make the job application process a breeze through simple language; you won’t see misused buzzwords like guru, passionate, team player, self-starter, dynamic, and others.
Precise and straightforward job descriptions engage you and prompt you to apply for the job. In the Internet age, where you’re making all job applications online, you will easily skip those that beat about the bush.
How easy is it to trust a company whose job application is quickly understandable, and vice versa?
When you see a distinction between the ‘must-haves’ and the ‘wish list,’ your job application becomes seamless (an endless list of requirements is off-putting).
Not to mention that seeing essential points first in bullet form and short sentences makes the job application a walk in the park for you. If you know your potential responsibilities and whether you’re qualified for the position within a few minutes, then ‘Eureka!” The job description works!
Easy Job Application Process
Companies with an excellent candidate experience have an easy-to-find careers page. You need not hunt for job applications in obscure sections of corporate websites.
Besides, being asked to log in to the career page to apply is a turn-off, and companies that care about the candidate’s experience will not ask you to give an email and a password.
That’s why LinkedIn has an ‘Easy Apply’ option that food and beverage manufacturing employers can add to their job applications to make the job application process brief, while the Indeed app allows you to apply from your mobile device. Short and sweet is, seemingly, the slogan of the game to make your job search less complicated.
Recruiters Who Follow Up and Communicate
You want your time valued, and that’s why you appreciate food and beverage manufacturing recruiters who get back to you promptly, regardless of the news.
And with lengthy interviews, it helps if you’re kept up-to-date during each step. Great companies will call you during the initial stages to ask you to take a test. They will also send a thank you message once you complete the test.
It feels even better when recruiters respond to your follow-up and thank-you emails. It takes effort for companies to do this, but it’s the price they must pay for a frictionless candidate experience.
Getting In-Person Interview Information
Picture this. A food and beverage manufacturing company calls to invite you for an interview. They tell you the dress code to follow, a background on the interviewers you will meet, the format of the interview, how to access the interview site, and where to park.
Once they hang up, they send you the same information via email alongside a calendar invite. That’s more than a good candidate experience; they’re rolling out the red carpet for you!

Great Interview Experience
It’s exhilarating when someone greets you when you arrive, offers you water or a beverage of your choice, and explains the interview process to you.
It’s even more exciting to attend an organized interview where the interviewers know your background beforehand, ask relevant questions, make you feel comfortable, thank you for your time, and tell you when they will reach out with a response (and actually do it).
About QTalent
A highly-skilled professional like yourself, who wants a good candidate experience in the food and beverage manufacturing industry, deserves the QTalent job search platform.
We enhance your experience by sending you personalized job alerts, and if you want to work at a company near you, our geolocation feature comes in handy. Signup in seconds, and we will help you get a personalized, comprehensive profile that removes the need for sending a customized resume in every job application.
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