How does the candidate experience help or hinder the hiring process?

The candidate experience has a direct impact on the hiring process. This popular buzzword is jargon for how the job applicant feels at every stage of the recruitment process. So if you are still waiting to hear back from the recruiter you met a month ago, we would suggest it's time to let that ship sail. 

But how important is the candidate experience? I hear you ask. It is shown to be the most important factor when deciding to apply for and accept a job offer. So stop that scroll button and read on. 

A bad candidate experience will most likely leave you rejecting the job or, worse, taking on the position only to be left unfulfilled with a heavy workload, toxic work culture, and lack of support. Before it’s said and done, you’ll find yourself back on the job market within a few months. But a good candidate experience is an indication of how well you will fit into the company. 

That's why research shows that “candidates are 38% more likely to accept a job offer if the candidate's experience has been positive.” But what is it that defines a good candidate experience? 

The candidate experience makes a huge difference!

The Greenhouse Candidate Experience Report shows that candidates are looking for shorter and less laborious application processes, more transparent and quicker recruitment timelines, professional interviews, and timely feedback. 

What is a great hiring process, and why does it matter? 

Ever started out on a date where the love interest looked better on his profile than in real-life, leaving you feeling disappointed? A bad candidate experience is similar. A top-rated food and beverage processing company (votes best company to work for) posts a great job description that matches perfectly to your profile, and the interview goes well, but then after a week or so, you are left ghosted. 

Not only have they just lost a highly-skilled food and beverage candidate, but they have also most likely lost future candidates as well. A bad hiring process reflects a toxic employer culture and can negatively affect the employer's brand, especially in the world of social media, where a disappointed candidate can share their experience wider and faster. 

As they say, “bad news travels fast.” 

1. Look for an attractive employer brand 

Finding a job is the easy part; finding the right job can be more difficult. The food and beverage manufacturing industry is currently experiencing a skills shortage, and creating a talent pipeline is high on the priority list of the top food and beverage manufacturing companies in Canada. 

This is a great start, and good companies know that a  good candidate experience is equally important to the company's reputation. And it starts at the job application phase.

Is the job description clear and concise? 

How long does it take to apply for the job?

70% of job seekers will quit filling out online job applications because of the length or complexity of the automated process, so it's best to keep the application to a max of 20 min. 

Look at employer reviews on job boards and on the company’s social media sites. It’s also helpful to look at the careers section of their website. This will showcase their culture and values, and you can see if your values are aligned. Employee testimonials give you the real insight behind a company's workplace culture - rather than the values they write on their website. 

2. How transparent is the job application process 

While the job description may look great on paper, often meeting all the checkboxes on paper does not mean the job is the right fit (Just look at the Tinder stats, swiping left is not a guarantee of a love match). 

The interview process and how well-prepared the interviewer is are good indications of a company's culture. 

Is the recruiter transparent? 

Have they told you the process and when you can expect a reply? 

One-two weeks is a good timeframe to expect a food and beverage processing recruitment specialist or employer to get back to you after an interview. If they send you a personalised email with feedback, this is a great sign. If they ghost you or take more than a month to reply, it's time to move on. 

You can find more ways to spot a good hiring process here. 

3. The hiring process is a two-way street 

Remember, the hiring process is an interactive one. Make sure the employer or recruiter allows you to ask questions. They should also provide feedback throughout the process. 

Find out about the company’s training and learning opportunities, which will set you up for growth.

Is the interviewer actively listening to your responses?

Do they seem distracted? 

All these cues are indications of a negative experience. But if the recruiter is friendly, attentive and promotes an open discussion, you will be off to a great start. 

A resume is the first step of the hiring process, and although it's not the only thing companies should consider, it's still the golden standard for hiring when applying for a position as a highly-skilled food and beverage professional. 

QTalent is the first talent discovery platform in Canada that allows you to upload a standard resume and profile to apply for multiple jobs from one platform. We ensure a great candidate experience to set you off for success. If you are looking for more information about applying for a new job as a the food and beverage manufacturing professional, check out

Romy Zwiers


Romy Zwiers is a journalist and marketing professional with 16 years of experience working across industries with a keen focus on the beverage and food industry, having worked with companies like KFC, Nandos, Cadbury and Coca-Cola.

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