Avoid These Common Mistakes Candidates Make When Job Searching

Job searching can feel overwhelming with countless admin. Filling in multiple online resumes, fine-tuning your resume, and searching for a job that meets your requirements can leave you resorting to taking up a position you don't really want. 

Don’t fall into this trap! Taking time to find the right job position means you will enjoy your job position and stay with the company far longer than if you take the first thing that comes along- which often means you’ll be back on the job market sooner than you can submit that job application. 

Avoid these 3 common mistakes when job searching to save time, admin, and frustration! 

3 Common Mistakes Job Candidates Make (And How to Avoid Them)

  1. Limiting your job search to posted jobs 

The most common mistake food and beverage hiring managers mention that job candidates make is that they need a better job search strategy. If your job strategy is to look for jobs that sound like a good fit and submit your resume- you are doing it wrong! It’s like going on Tinder and swiping right to any decent guy that comes along. Let’s just say it most likely won’t work out. Having the criteria and quality you seek can make or break your date. It's the same with job searching. You need to have a plan. Research the type of job descriptions that will advance your career. Understand the type of food and beverage manufacturer you want to work with by researching their culture, values, and beliefs. Once you have a good idea of the qualities you seek in a company and job position, you can proactively contact the hiring manager, even if there are no open vacancies. QTalent does just this. QTalent is Canada's first food and beverage talent acquisition platform that lets you proactively apply to work for a company, even when they are not currently hiring! Because working at the right company is more important than finding an open job position. 

Apply To The Company, Not The Job - Here's Why!

  1. Submitting a “one size fits all” resume 

Okay, this one is obvious. But people still do it. Starbucks has different flavoured coffees for a reason -not every day is an Americano day. It's the same coffee beans, but they present them differently to different clients. Think of packaging your resume and profile as you would a great cup of coffee.  Different job roles require different skills and credentials to be presented. Match your expertise to what the company is looking for, and emphasize the specific skills and qualifications that make you the perfect blend for the job. And no, this doesn't have to be a laborious process. QTalent allows you to build a custom profile and apply for multiple job positions - all from one easy-to-use mobile application. 

  1. Not considering commute 

Most candidates, when job searching, consider salary, qualifications, and location, but many overlook your commute. Canada's food and beverage manufacturing jobs are often in remote and rural areas. Knowing how far the distance is that you will be traveling is essential to understand if the job will fit with your lifestyle. A long commute could mean you will burn out from long commutes after late shifts. QTalent is the first talent acquisition platform that allows job candidates to sort jobs by distance so that you can calculate their exact commute.   

If you want to advance your food and beverage manufacturing career, check out our QTalent’s new platform, and find your dream job in food and beverage manufacturing.

Romy Zwiers


Romy Zwiers is a journalist and marketing professional with 16 years of experience working across industries with a keen focus on the beverage and food industry, having worked with companies like KFC, Nandos, Cadbury and Coca-Cola.

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