5 Social Media Tips For Your Food & Beverage Processing Job Search

In social media, the ebb and flow of information are overwhelming. Yet when used right, there are endless opportunities for job searching and professional networking.

Given recruiters know you’re online, they are putting their best foot forward in luring you for their coveted job openings. However, they won’t hand over the job to any interested applicant and will want to kick the tires before inviting you for an interview. 

They’re looking for qualified candidates who meet their requirements sufficiently and impressively, and a neat resume may not be enough anymore. Learn to stand out online, appeal to recruiters, and find stupendous food manufacturing technical positions on social media. 

How To Use Social Media for Job Search With 6 Tips

1. Update Your Profile 

When your recruiter finds your resume impressive, the next logical step is to learn more about you, and what better way than through social media? 

In fact, global research reveals that 71% of hiring managers believe that social media screenings are an effective pre-interview tool. That’s why it’s best to update all your social profiles: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tiktok, or Pinterest. 

Undertake an overhaul of the profiles you use most. In most social media platforms, a short bio, a headline, and a photo are enough, and they should be easygoing. 

But LinkedIn wants the whole nine yards!

The headshot should be more professional, and the headline needs to reflect your work. A good LinkedIn profile also requires an updated:

  • Experience section
  • Educational background
  • Featured media part (with resume)
  • Banner image
  • About section (your achievements)
  • List of your skills

2. Tweak Your Social Media Privacy Settings

Because some recruiters will review your social media profiles before meeting you for an interview, take down sensitive posts you made in the past, or better yet, adjust your privacy settings to hide the content from public view. Many platforms also allow you to archive content.

Admittedly, some college and high school posts might not portray you in the best light to a prospective employer; photos you posted at a summer beach party in a drunken stupor or negative political ideas you might have tweeted. 

But don’t hide everything; recruiters could be turned off if you don't have a digital presence.

3. Post And Engage

Posting relevant content is a great way to build the right network and attract job opportunities on social media. On that account, find trending food processing topics and contribute meaningfully to the discourse. 

When recruiters scour your social media profiles to get more insights about you, they will see all the right things. You can also connect with HR professionals and recruiters in food and beverage manufacturing by engaging with their content, allowing you to be on their minds when they have positions to fill.

4. Don’t Be Uptight

Entirely professional content on all your social media channels could be a red flag for recruiters. They want to see your work-life balance, and if you’re a fun person, you will likely win them over. 

They surely don’t want a stickler for work, as it may not fit into their culture. 

To that end, post pictures of your latest trip to the rugged coast of Tofino, yourself with friends at a local baseball game, or a Sunday dinner with your family. One of the best job searching tips is to have LinkedIn look professional and Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for all things fun.

5. Keep Up With Industry Updates

Industry magazines like Food In Canada and Food Processing use social media to highlight industry news and updates. Follow them on socials and click on the notification button so that you’re apprised whenever they post helpful information. 

The QTalent Twitter and LinkedIn pages are also populated with recent updates you can learn from. This helps you stay updated with all the relevant information in your field, giving you an edge when you enter the interview room.

Recruiters and plant managers like a talent that knows what’s going on because they can easily adapt to changes in the workplace and make informed decisions. 

Job Hunting With QTalent 

While social media is a staple way to socialize, learn, and connect with recruiters, it’s easy to get distracted by the bric-a-brac and trifles of digital life. It’s a good accessory that complements your chief means of finding your food and beverage manufacturing technical job. 

It’s a minor second to QTalent’s app.

QTalent features an enhanced, intuitive app that helps you find the employer of your choice based on location, compensation, and benefits. Right on the employer’s profile, their culture will be visible to help you make informed job application decisions. 

We believe that a process with too many steps is unfriendly and detracts from your experience. So we ensure you’ll only need to edit your resume once to make your application a breeze. 

One thing remains.

Sign up to access all our platform's sweet and savory job openings; we’re live now!

Elton Mwangi


Elton has been a writer and has contributed his expertise to the HR industry for the last 5 years. He's passionate about working with companies that utilize HR technology to improve the employee experience and the future of the workforce. He starts his morning with a cup of joe and the latest article from HR Morning and SHRM to equip his audience with quality blog content.

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